Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Economy

"When you worry about your money and the economy, you increase the likelyhood that your money and the economy will remain in a place that seems to be uncomfortable." - At One

I sat on the subway this past Monday reading about the demise of Lehman Brothers and the sale of Merrill Lynch. For several years I worked for a company that built and ran the fitness centers for those corporate giants. I taught group exercise classes at Lehman, Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns (which went under earlier this year). My subway reading led me to think about all of the people I'd met and taught at those places, and I wondered how many of them would be looking for new employment. Suddenly I got very excited. It dawned on me that this was a great opportunity for positive change. The possibilities are endless! Those brilliant, creative minds could now be free to start new businesses, develop new technologies, and live their dreams. How fantastic is that! My prayer during this time is that we all look inside and outside and see the unlimited, marvelous potential and beauty that abounds all ways. Amen.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I am thinking of softness in terms of a fluid, not resistant or rigid way of being in the world, the ability to receive easily and openly. That's where I am in my process today. So it's all about me as usual. Thank God! The phrase 'mind your own business' has also been swirling around me lately. Paying attention to and taking care of my self, my issues has led to a deeper sense of my own softness, thus allowing me to see the softness, the vulnerableility, the light, in others and keeping the drama away. I am letting softness and minding my business change my old story. Amen.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More Listening and Loving

I get a lot of inspiration from meditaion. The guidance I receive in that state helps me to shake my mental bullshit (my old story!) and go about my day with greater ease.

Below you will find some advice that came to me in meditation from a source I channel called At One. If you have ever heard of, read, or seen Esther Hicks ( channel Law of Attraction teachings from Abraham, then you'll understand where this comes from. If not you can still enjoy the message!

9/3/08 from At One:
"Welcome to the you that you asked to know. You are the you that you are now. How wonderful. How perfect. Yes, it is perfect because you thought it into being. And - you LOVE you. The more you LOVE you, the more you see, feel, and KNOW LOVE from other sources.
Please allow your self to feel good about all of the changes that you manifested. You, you, you did it. And you will manifest more. More of what? You choose. Keep asking for LOVE and let LOVE guide you. What would LOVE do?"

9/10/08 from At One
"When you believe in you there is no stopping your dreams from manifesting! As you allow all parts of your self to become excited, thrilled, overjoyed by the multitude of possibilities you will find absolute creative freedom. Go for it! You are the creator. You are the one who dreams. You choose - yes or no?"