Below is a dialogue I had with my spiritual guides, At One. At One has been communicating with me for years, most directly in June of 1993 during what I call my 'Cracking Open' experience. In 2005, with the help of my friend, the artist Leslie Howitt ( - her work is stunning), I began channeling messages for others in written form as I had been doing for myself, and then eventually let At One speak through me. The teachings of At One, and the story that led to my conscious connection with them, can be found on my newest blog and in my upcoming book.
Now I happily present another aspect of myself, another tool in my spiritual tool box. Thanks for reading!
At One: When you are clear about what you want, then you gain access to another level of knowledge. You get to know what it is that makes the world operate.
Joe: I am not clear about what you just wrote.
At One: OK, let us put it this way: Ask and you shall receive. We mean that. What are you asking for?
Joe: I want to make my dreams a reality.
At One: What are your dreams? Can you clearly think and speak them? When you can do that you will all ways have success. We are not joking. Look at what you have manifested! You have so many wonderful things in your life. Those things make you FEEL good. Remember when you were manifesting many things that did not FEEL good? That was no joke either. The Universe does not joke around. The Universe responds to your call, your wish, your dreams, your THOUGHTS. Every thing that has come forth in your world has come from your thoughts. You know that. Now go out and practice using thoughts that make you feel good to create things that make you feel good. Do not spend time moping about what is not. Go out and celebrate what is. Thank you!
Joe: You are welcome! Shouldn't I be thanking you?
At One: We all ways acknowledge you by expressing our gratitude. Thank you for allowing us to come forward in this new way. We are ready to express, express, express. Be at one all ways with all things and you will create a joyfully abundant NOW and an outrageously blissfull TOMORROW. There will be more and more and more and more and more and more and more to be grateful for. Thank you.
Do You Follow Your Intuition?
Hi Dear Friends! To read my latest post, please go to Yes, I’ve moved the blog and it will now be
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