Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Engaging the Inner Artist

This morning I sat in meditation and heard the following:

"Engage the artist. Engage the creative. Engage the creator."

Those words brought tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart.

For the past few weeks I have been walking around New York City - Manhattan, not the outer boroughs - and have been struck by the what I've seen (or nor seen). Buildings, people, clothing... It all seemed to blend. Nothing stood out. My friends have been kind enough to tolerate my repeated rantings.

"Where are the artists, the individuals who happily and courageously express their style?" I've implored.

"Look in Brooklyn," some have said.

Yesterday I asked myself if there wasn't something artistic in me that needs to be expressed, brought to life. I collected a few magazines from the laundry room today and have begun to think about creating a collage, something unlike the collages I've created in the past, a new form. I've been programing different music into Pandora on the internet (go to - it's fantastic). I've been approaching my writing in a new way. I realize that I have a unique voice, a unique vision. Why not let it out?

My meditation ended with this message:

"We invite you to acknowledge your inner artist - through words, images, sound. Express! Express! Express! And LOVE the process."

And so I am. Amen!


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